
Posted 1M ago by @LadyKSunshine

My β€œpink splash” has been a difficult one for me. I’m ho...

6ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 7 hours ago
Never give up! Like they say on Jurassic Park… life finds a way! Just keep giving it love! Sometimes that’s all you can do! And don’t overwater!
The soil will help. Aeration helps. Just be careful not to cause burns with the grow light. But aglaonemas are very resistant β€” they just can be very slow growers!
By the way, fertilize it! It helps!
Wishing you much success πŸ’šπŸ’š
I agree that they can be slow growers, and particularly, for me anyway, slow to start over. I have one I rooted and put in dirt that is at work and it has grown two new leaves, very slowly, but looks like a successful re-start. Then I have the same kind, also at work, in the same window, that is not going anywhere and appears to be going backwards. They seem to have minds of their own and do what they want. Once successfully started, they grow steadily, but still slowly. Enjoy yours and I hope 🀞 it keeps on growing for you.