
Posted 1Y ago by @Conservative_nc

Yellowing leaves!

I just moved here and these apple trees were here in my yard and I don’t know what kind they are or exactly what’s wrong with them so I’m just trying to learn how to take care of them any help? οΏΌ
20” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
This is the other one (Green)
I think you could have Cedar apple Rust - any Juniper trees within a 2 mile radius that have the spores will affect your apple trees. It looks like it is treatable with a copper fungicide. Captain Jack's has a copper fungicide.

Did you put diatomaceous earth on the leaves on it or did someone else for bug prevention? The white powder is a concern if it's not diatomaceous earth.

If you keep the area around the bottoms of the trees completely clear - no flowers, no weeds - that will help keep infection reduced too.