
Posted 4M ago by @Dwprincess38

Advice for Bromeliad

My bromeliad has looked like this for weeks. She looks like she’s about to bloom, but she never progresses anymore than she is now. Ideas?
#TropicalPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #HappyPlants #PlantTherapy #Bromeliad
5ft to light, direct
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 day ago
Probably isn't getting all of their needs fufilled.
One common issue could be light. Bromeliads need bright, indirect light, and if it’s not getting enough, it can delay or stop the blooming process. You can also try increasing humidity around the plant since they thrive in tropical environments. Another trick to encourage blooming is placing a ripe apple or banana near the plant, which releases ethylene gas that can stimulate blooming. Make sure you're watering it properly, with water in the central "cup" of the plant, but not letting the soil stay soggy.
@Dwprincess38 neoregelias like blushings don't produce extravagant blooms, they're all tiny in the crown. Here's some Neoregelia 'Tiger' blooms I found! [not my plant]. You can see them in the right!
Thank you for your responses. I’ll try the suggestions and hope for the best 🀞🏻
@Dwprincess38 Donna, @Araceae is absolutely correct, no big blooms come with this variety.
@Dwprincess38 you can kinda see the tiny flowers in one of my plants this is about all it does