
Posted 1M ago by @Frebs

Is it over for Harriet?

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1ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 day ago
Best Answer
I had an alocasia that “died” last year. I was so sad that I couldn’t bring myself to throw the bulb away, so I buried it in a pothos and forgot about it. Lo and behold, it came back! And it’s now working on its second leaf 🤗 As long as the bulb doesn’t rot, it will come back. Just give it a few months and i recommend putting it with another plant so you don’t forget to water it 😇 then you can move it to its own pot when it’s big enough!
My, that's one long corm. But no, even if they drop leaves they're more than capable to come back and grow more
Its whats left of the last stem/leaf
Oh wow. Im going to keep it on it’s schedule and see what happens
Here he is in his own pot again 🤗 As long as you have a good, chunky soil mix that drains well, and it gets lots of bright indirect light, it will come back! You got this 💚
I LOVE a good rescue mission! 🥳🥰 I've never tried it with an Alo yet, but I've kept a few "dead" plants (grief watering is a thing! 🤣) and had them come back unexpectedly... It doesn't always work! Lol but as @BabeVila and @araceae say... Alos are great at bouncing back (& then trying to die on you!) again 🤣🤣🤣

Please keep us updated?! I'm SURE she's gonna come back to full glory for you! X
Yay! Yep I say keep it. But I would water a lot less, like only once every two to three weeks. Alocasia also go dormant (I’m ashamed I just learned this recently and have had them for years!), so it’ll be slow going for a while. Let it have its time to rest and I think it’ll be worth it!