Is it over for Harriet?
#AlocasiaAddicts #Alocasia #alocasiajacklyn #DormancyTips #Dormancy #WinterTipsAndTricks #TipsandTricks #helpneeded #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #GregGang #Greggers #GreggersSupportingGreggers

1ft to light, indirect

4” pot with drainage

Last watered 1 day ago

I had an alocasia that “died” last year. I was so sad that I couldn’t bring myself to throw the bulb away, so I buried it in a pothos and forgot about it. Lo and behold, it came back! And it’s now working on its second leaf 🤗 As long as the bulb doesn’t rot, it will come back. Just give it a few months and i recommend putting it with another plant so you don’t forget to water it 😇 then you can move it to its own pot when it’s big enough!
I LOVE a good rescue mission! 🥳🥰 I've never tried it with an Alo yet, but I've kept a few "dead" plants (grief watering is a thing! 🤣) and had them come back unexpectedly... It doesn't always work! Lol but as @BabeVila and @araceae say... Alos are great at bouncing back (& then trying to die on you!) again 🤣🤣🤣
Please keep us updated?! I'm SURE she's gonna come back to full glory for you! X
Please keep us updated?! I'm SURE she's gonna come back to full glory for you! X