
Posted 5M ago by @AloeThereFronds

Indoor Bog Garden Tips?

I found these little buddies at a local plant shop, and Iā€™d love to make an indoor #boggarden ! Any tips/tricks would be greatly appreciated!
#Butterwort #Sundew #CarnivorousClub #CarnivorousPlants #helpneeded
Best Answer
@AloeThereFronds hey welcome to CPs! These two require completely different care! The ping will need to be in really well draining rocky soil such as nutrient free perlite and peat mixed together and the sundew can be in pretty much any CP mix (I grow mine in sphagnum or peat) the cape sundew needs to sit in a cup of distilled water and stay wet 24/7 and the ping needs the soil to dry out a bit between watering. The ping will go dormant and the sundew will not. Here are my pings and some of my sundews!
Creating an indoor bog garden is a fantastic idea! Start by using a shallow, wide container without drainage holes to maintain the consistently moist environment these plants need. Use a mix of sphagnum peat moss and perlite, avoiding any fertilizers, as carnivorous plants prefer nutrient-poor soil. Keep the garden in a spot with bright, indirect light or under grow lights for about 12-16 hours a day. Water with distilled or rainwater to avoid mineral buildup, and ensure the soil remains damp at all times. Adding a humidity tray underneath can help maintain the high humidity levels these plants thrive in.
@AloeThereFronds Iā€™m glad I scrolled down before responding cause I almost said the exact thing @PleaseLeaf did. These two have completely different requirements and should not be co-planted. But @PleaseLeaf I was under the impression the sundew was temperate and required dormancy and the ping was tropical and did not?
@Amateurbotany this particular sundew doesn't require a dormancy but some sundews do require a dormancy. The pings will either go into a succulent phase or die back to the crown during dormancy and then they'll grow carnivorous leaves again once dormancy ends. Pings that die back to the crown are uncommon most of them just go into a small succulent phase instead! The pings won't need to be placed in a fridge or anything like that they'll just naturally go dormant as the days get shorter and the temps drop and then you just cut back on watering ā˜ŗļø
@PleaseLeaf if I purchased a sundew and ping specifically because they were labeled as requiring dormancyā€¦do you think I can trust it? The sundew is a capensis cultivar that is native to South Africa BUT I was told even there they do go dormant in the winter. I ask because I have this sundew and a ā€œdormantā€ ping planted with a VFT and sarraceniaā€¦.they will be indoors for the winter in a cool basement with afternoon sun
@Amateurbotany cape sundews originate in South Africa I believe and they shouldn't be put in temps below 40F because it can kill them. They can go dormant but it's not required. If they told you it requires dormancy then you were either lied to or it's a cross with a temperate sundew. I personally wouldn't put it with the rest and I'd replace it with a temperate sundew! These are ones I have that require a dormancy two are binata varieties and then there is a tracyi!
@PleaseLeaf I love both!!!! Iā€™ll definitely replace before winter. Or at least repot the sundew and replace next seasonšŸ˜Š Thank you!!!
@PleaseLeaf holy cow! Iā€™m glad I read this!

Right now they are in the same containerā€¦ a mistake that I will fix tomorrow. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ» I should have looked at this before jumping into a tutorial I saw online and trusting something I saw at the plant store. At least the butterwort was only just put into that container about an hour ago. šŸ˜‚šŸ’€

At least it sounds like the sundew is in a good set up, and maybe I can add some others to the bog bowl I started if I see success? šŸ¤žšŸ»
@AloeThereFronds Hey Indigo, some time ago we focused on CP bog gardens at #cpclubthursday as some of the members and in particular @JesssJungle and @LaSiguanaba were creating them. So you should be able to find the posts if you search at #cpclubthursday or #cpterrarium #boggarden for example. You are welcome to join #cpclubthursday as I usually post every Thursday and we share advice photos etc
Hi @AloeThereFronds!! šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘‹
I have a couple of bog gardens! All of the info above is awesome, they know their stuff!! Here is my Collins Sundew in his bog garden, I just wanted to show him off! šŸ˜ They seem to do well under a grow light for 16 hours a day, mine has been growing like crazy!
@AloeThereFronds Hi there. Here is a link to my initial posting on the bog garden I created: Good luck!
@AloeThereFronds as I just posted about it elsewhere here is a terrarium/bog garden I created

Lots of links and information at #cpclubthursday and groups like #cpterrarium #Terrarium and #boggarden if you go to those groups as well or join them