
Posted 4M ago by @SuaveSeagrape59

We have had a huge heat wave where I am and I know my pla...

6โ€ pot without drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Best Answer
Hi Moxxie! Ok so a few things...these plants prefer plenty of bright indirect light. Too much direct sun will burn their leaves, and younger/smaller plants are even more vulnerable. Your plant card says it gets 3-6 hours of direct light in a south-facing window. South and west facing windows get the strongest sunlight anyway, and 3-6 hours is a LOT. Then you have the recent heat it seems all signs point to leaf burn from too much sun.

The good new is it didn't get completely toasted, so it's definitely savable! First thing I'd do is give it a thorough watering. Then I'd find a new spot for it to can place it in a window with a sheer curtain, or just move it back far enough from its current spot that no direct sun will hit it. During the hottest times of the year (and especially during heat waves), you may need to increase watering frequency. Misting it won't hurt either ๐Ÿ˜‰ Also keep in mind that soil dries out faster in terracotta pots, so if you're someone who tends to underwater their plants (no judgement!) you might consider using a non-porous pot instead.

Sorry, I know that was a lot of info I just dumped on you lol. If you have questions about anything, please don't hesitate to ask! ๐Ÿ˜Š
Your plant looks like it may be getting too much sun for one of its in direct light. The second thing is your picture shows no draining holes. Drainage is imperative for these plants or they will get root rot. I bought a small aluminum from the grocery store and they had overwatered it so much that when I went to repot it, the roots just crumbled off the plant. Here are some tips to help.
@stephonicle thank you for your answer! I tried moving him a bit further from the window and Im gonna keep an eye on him for now!! I also gave him just a bit of water just in case!!
@Shells_Garden thank you so much!
@SuaveSeagrape59 sounds like an excellent plan! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Btw...I also noticed your plant card says it's in a pot with no drainage, but I figured that wasn't the case since it's in a terracotta pot in your pics...and they *usually* have drainage holes ๐Ÿ˜‹
@SuaveSeagrape59 and thanks for the best answer! ๐Ÿซถ
I can confirm mine seems pretty happy with this placement and indirect light. Also wanted to share mine got long and tall so I found this unique beaker at a plant shop and they seem to love it even without drainage!