
Posted 3w ago by @PeppyQuince17

My Homer Money Tree is beginning to lose leaves. Why woul...

2ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
@PeppyQuince17 there are few things that might be contributing. The first is that your pot indicated no drainage which can lead to overwatering and root rot. It’s best to move it to a pot with drainage as soon as you can. 2nd, the nursery braids the stalks when they are babies and in order to keep the braids intact while the plant is growing, they use a plastic tie or rubber band at the base of the rootball/stalks. If there is still one there, it needs to be removed as it strangles the root system eventually. l lost my first money tree because I did not know that and it eventually rotted out the stalks. So thirdly, check your stalks/stems. Squeeze them gently to see if they are still firm/hard. If there is any give or it’s mushy, that also indicates rot and I would removed that stalk from the plant entirely. These plants also love humidity so you can add a pebble tray filled with water under it if you don’t have a humidifier