
Posted 1Y ago by @TidyTigerpear

Can this plant be outside ?

2โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 11 months ago
Hi there! Yes, most succulents can tolerate direct light and heat outdoors. However, if this has been an indoor place plant you will want to adjust the plant slowly to direct sunlight as doing so too fast can burn the leaves and potentially kill the plant. You can do this by slowly moving the plant into more direct light over about a week. The only thing they do not tolerate is low light and cold weather.
Okay I potted it up after I got it from Home Depot, and even though I hadnโ€™t watered it when I put it in the pot the leaves started getting squishy and falling off as if maybe they were water logged ? So I took it out and put it in its own Terracotta pot for now. Hopefully this will help !