
Posted 2M ago by @ChicPinkbubble

Why leave drop till almost drop finished pls help

1ft to light, indirect
10โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Hi again! falling leaves could be due to underwatering too. I saw that you used carnivorous plant mix for both your desert Rose plants. Carnivorous plant mix is poor in nutrients, maybe the type of soil is the problem? Maybe they need to be repotted in a better soil mix? Good luck ๐Ÿคžโญ
I'm glad you are on Greg, Ang. (:

These plants CRAVE sunlight! Do you have a sunny window or balcony where it can sit? If you don't, a good grow light could help too. ๐Ÿ˜
Try a good cactus potting mix withh 20% perlite and a small sprinkle of n p k fertiliser
Works well in Darwin NY