
Posted 2M ago by @BentonHoya30

Fiddle leaf fig compromised :(

#FiddleLeafFig hi plant family :) does anyone know what the problem is? This happened after watering the plant. πŸ’­
23ft to light, indirect
Last watered 3 months ago
So sorry to hear that did you change her soil?
Or is she in a cold draft sometimes that can make the leaves do that?
Do you have a cat?
@clairsheart Noh I didn’t πŸ’­ I literally didn’t change anything. Same position for the last few months, she’s being growing really well so far until 2 days ago :( All I did was water her :(
@clairsheart nope I don’t. Do you think that maybe it could be due to something acidic. πŸ€”Because I was using the same watering can I used to make a feeding solution (which is acidic) for my hydrangeas.
Yep, that’s it