
Posted 4w ago by @Dragonfly15

Lucky Bamboo stalks yellowing

Hi…I don’t remember his stalks turning yellow before I changed the water and cleaned/rinsed everything a couple of weeks ago…they’re not bad but I want to mitigate now if at all possible…thanks
1ft to light, indirect
2” pot without drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Hi Tanya! Do you use distilled or tap water? Some plants pitch a fit in tap water. I don't have a bamboo plant myself, but I think I remember someone talking about how bamboo should be watered with distilled. Other than that, as long as the stems aren't mushy or showing other signs of rot, you should be ok. The roots and the rest of the plant looks healthy 😊
Hi and thanks! I did use distilled…a little while back someone else told me to so that’s all I use with him now. So far the stems are still firm so fingers crossed🤞