
Posted 4w ago by @LeadFoxtailfern


#Philodendron MOONLIGHT
oh why ! Oh why!! Can't they YELL AT ME!
I've been training Cleopatra to climb. Things were going well until this morning. I put too much stress on her and she has snapped. SO SAD 😒😒.
I've dipped her broken limbs into rooting compound and buried her ends in her pot. What are the odds of her limbs rooting? Must admit I've never done this before. Please don't send flowers just advice.
2ft to light, direct
9” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
@LeadFoxtailfern I’m so sorry. I get so upset when I did that and I did the same sort of thing yesterday but only to my tree Aoenium. I broke 4 leaves in half trying to repot from nursery pot. I was so mad because he was brand new and had perfect shape. Good news for you is that a moonlight philo can be propagated in soil or water. I’ve not had the best luck with straight soil props on these so I’ve rooted my stems in water. As long as there is a node in the water or under the soil, you should get roots to grow back. Here is a link to a great site with more information.
@LeadFoxtailfern here is my sad Aeonium now! I did get creative and tape one leave that didn’t snap off! We’ll see if it heals
OMG! I just looked at your oasis- OMG!!! I've NEVER seen so many beautiful plants. I figured if you could do that you obviously know something, definitely much more than I do I took your suggestion and put the largest limb in water . I'm hoping for the best. Thanks again.
One time I lopped the one Peonie bloom my bush had with a hose :( I had that plant for 3 years 😭 unfortunately somehow it died afterward…. Accidents happen!