
Posted 3w ago by @SUNSHiNEPLANTS

Roots Still Good?

I accidentally was checking on this guy's roots and left it out of the water overnight. When I woke up & saw it, I put it immediately back in the water but I feel like I may have ruined the roots. They look a little soggy and brown. Don't think they were originally like this but unsure. Do they look okay or did I ruin them? Advice is appreciated! Blessings β˜€οΈπŸ€πŸ’–
Last watered 1 week ago
It should be fine when you place it back in the water! It will eventually grow more roots.
Hiii @SUNSHiNEPLANTS QUEEN 🀩🌱✨so I’m sure like @LittleSongbird said you’ll be just fine! I do see a little premature root rot, if you’re looking to nip that in the bud? Maybe! Only if you see what I see.. I have a pic with some of the concerns circled haha!! To fix youd just chop the brown bits with a sterile instrument & treat w/ 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts water. Let soak for 5 min. And treat the glass unless you’re changing it out :) best of luck!! Let me know if you have any questions :)