
Posted 7M ago by @Artonina

Do I need to replant it to shade?

Please look at the sedum’s roots - the stems at the base of the plant look withered. Should I replant it to a less hot place? #Sedum #SuccSquad #SuccLove #Succs
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 months ago
Best Answer
Are you getting a lot of rain? It’s a little hard to tell, but If these are sedums they only need water every 1-2 weeks and at least 6 hours of sunlight, but no evening sun, to me it looks like this plant got stomped on or it had so much rain it dug the roots up, succulents can be regrown/propagated. I would personally gather as many as you can and put them all in a medium pot with drainage and place somewhere that hides them from the evening sunlight but do not water until they start to get a wrinkled effect, the yellow leaves I’m seeing look like overwatering is the culprit
More pictures
One more closeup
@Succulentloverr we had rainstorms recently, exactly! Thank you very much! I’m new to sedums, appreciate the advice
@Artonina yep sounds like too much rain to me, I live in Florida and this is an issue here too, I hope this helps 😊
@Succulentloverr you know , I checked out, and 4 of my other sedums had the same problem! Thanks a lot, I’ll add more stones and drainage to the garden bed.
@Artonina I’m so happy I could help πŸ™‚