
Posted 1M ago by @highperion

Are these spider mites??

And is it too late for my ivy?? I just noticed Maki wasn’t looking good and saw these little webs and I’m devastated. If these are spider mites is there anything I can do and are my other plants at risk?? She’s not always sitting near them I usually move her under the grow light at night near the others and then put her back in her spot in the morning. Please help!! 😭😭 #spidermites #EnglishIvy #pleasehelp
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
A good hard spray of water is a good start and then once dry give a good coat of insecticidal soap soap.
Yes and ivy are terrible about getting them. Ivy and hibiscus are 2 plants I won’t bring in my house
@TheConservator ugh noooo!! I already put her outside but I’m guessing there’s no saving her?
Yes other plants are at extreme risk and I’d trash it ! Ivy are cheap and not worth the risk or hassle.
@TheConservator is there anything I should do for my other plants to prevent it spreading to them other than getting rid of the ivy? Thank you so much for your help!!
I only try to save plants from spider mites if they’re big leaved so I can visually inspect every surface and they’re expensive enough to warrant the risk
But I’d check for the webs and visually inspect all of em first. Easier to find before you spray !
I’m not sure where the east of that went lol. A good spray of water on tops and bottoms of leaves. Then a coat of insecticidal soap with oil.
After dry
Sry that πŸ‘† was all supposed to to be in 1 post but it deleted the first part πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜‚
@highperion I use a systemic Bonide once a quarter in the soil if all my plants as a preventative. And ditto what @TheConservator said, spider mites just love ivy. It’s no longer allowed in my house either πŸ˜‚
Yes! It looks like she can be saved! Take her to your shower, if you have a handheld hose spray her really good! Then spray her with an insecticide, rub down all her leaves, let sit for 30ish mins, rinse. I always repeat. Then I spray dead bug let that sit for 30ish mins, then I spray neem oil. Quarantine her and look over other plants. I would treat them with neem oil regardless.