
Posted 4w ago by @SweetPuka57

Yellow spots on the leaves

6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Alocasias are very particular plants. They like a chunky aroid mix soil that drains well. They like moist soil, not too wet and not too dry. They like bright indirect light and humidity. I would say keeping a humidifier or pebble tray with it is a must. They are also very susceptible to pests. I would inspect it thoroughly to rule out any little bugs causing those spots. It could also be a fungal infection which just judging by the picture, I’m leaning towards. If that’s the case you need to remove all your infected leaves and treat with neem oil spray or other fungicide. If you could give more info about its care it would help narrow down what the issue is 😁. Also, this isn’t super important but just so you know, that’s not a Black Velvet. Looks like a Polly.