
Posted 2M ago by @ChelleMiCorGenX

Help!! I don’t know if I’m under or over watering her. I ...

#SpiderPlant #help overwatering">#overwatering underwatering">#underwatering #Greggers #happyPlantsNotSoHappy #PlantAddict #savemyplant
2” pot without drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
Best Answer
@ChelleMiCorGenX if roots are crispy then its underwater. I would wash it under running water, if roots are brown/black, maybe root rot already so cut it. put it in water vase so it can grow more roots before repotting it.πŸ‘πŸΌ
Spider plants prefer a humid environment. οΏΌ Is where you have her relatively humid? οΏΌοΏΌ
No it is dry,, I do mist the plants that want humidity though
Normally if the leaves get brown and crunchy you are under watering them and if they get yellowish or soggy looking you are over watering. I can't tell from the pic some look brown and some look like they are yellowing.
@Victoriamerr exactly! Some are brown and crispy and some are yellow and a little mushy looking. Her roots looked a little crispy the other day when I checked πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
looks to me like neither. Either she has root rot or she's getting too much light
I had a similar issue with a spider plant, I put it next to a window and it started getting brown leaves. I moved it further from the window and it perked right up
@SesameSeeds777 she wasn’t getting any sunlight….
@ChelleMiCorGenX no light at all? Or do you mean she’s just not getting direct sun? I have mine under grow lights. I had some pups in little pots in my west facing kitchen window and they do beautifully but I kept forgetting to water them more. Tiny pot and all. And also my windows have a film that filters the sun. They also enjoy humidity. Some pups are also on top of my heated fish tank so it gets grow light AND plenty of humidity. It looks like it still has the fleshy roots so that’s a good thing! I used to kill every one but I’ve gotten the hang of it now. It might help to put her in a jar of water with JUST THE ROOTS in the water. Just till she starts bouncing back. Oh!! Also, if you are watering with tap water, it may hurt the plant some. The chemicals may be too much for it. Like peace lilies. It turns leaves brown. Good luck! Don’t stop trying, you’ll get it!
@ChelleMiCorGenX maybe try sticking it in water or in leca? I have a spider plant in leca in a self watering pot and that plant has more than quadrupled its size in the past year. It’s by far my happiest spider plant.