
Posted 3w ago by @AdeptZinnia16

Hi! My leaves are starting to turn brown. I think it migh...

2ft to light, indirect
7” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Best Answer
I'm not sure why your leaves are brown, but I've noticed that Greg thinks your plant is in a 2" pot. The pot in your photo looks like 6" or 8" to me, it might help to fix that so Greg gives you more accurate watering recommendations
Thank you!
@AdeptZinnia16 White leaves will struggle in direct sunlight if it’s too much sunlight. It more than that, what type of soil is it in… Hoyas are epiphytes and if it’s too heavy if soil it will drown it.
I’m not sure. Being a novice, I purchased it at a specialty shop in Tempe that sold succulents and Hoyas. There are little white rocks in it. I will call them when they open and ask.