
Posted 5M ago by @PrincePetiveria

Why is my plant suddenly wilting? I have made sure to wat...

6” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 months ago
I'm not sure, but I think the Sun in to strong. Try putting your plant in half shade.
@SvelteKingfern It’s in a shaded area that only gets full sun 2 hours a day the rest is shaded light for the day
These 2 hours a day of full sun, is it in the Morning or Afternoon?
@SvelteKingfern morning
OK, that's good. Then make sure that the soil is not too dry, and not too wet.
@SvelteKingfern omg I touched the soil and it’s super moist! It’s been raining in my area a lot lately!
Here you go. You've got your answer. πŸͺ΄πŸŒ΅πŸ’šπŸ€—
Did you insert a stick into the soil to make sure if the soil was moist or dry? That happened to my tomato plant when I over watered it.
You can get a stick and do tiny circles around the soil to help your plant with drainage. That’s what’s recommended when a plant gets overwatered.