
Posted 5M ago by @LadyJitterbug

My Calathea was purchased from Easy Plant. It's been ver...

2ft to light, direct
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 months ago
I wonder if the lower leaves receive enough light? Are they yellow or brown? How long have you had her and how long has she been in that pot?
A couple are yellowing. Some have shriveled up and died. I've had her for about 6 months. It's the original pot.
I love easyplant! This plant loves humidity! Either misting or a humidifier. I cut off the real bad ones and more always grow in. Hope it works out! πŸ¦‹πŸžπŸŒΈπŸͺ΄πŸͺ΄
Hi @LadyJitterbug!
Since you haven't repotted yet it might be time😊 Also have you been fertilizing?

I started getting yellow leaves at the bottom when my Calathea Illustris wanted more space for her roots and more nutrientsπŸ™ˆ
But it could also be it is adjusting to the new environment. Somtimes they will just discard the old leaves.

Be aware that direct sunlight might burn their leaves easily.πŸͺ΄
Thanks @MockingJay
I am such a newbie, I don't know much about fertilizing, so I have never used it on my plants. It seems so confusing with all the numbers, that I've been afraid to try it. I feel like I have to buy a different kind for each plant.
@LadyJitterbug I agree it is a little scaryπŸ™ˆ They say calatheas like equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, like 5-5-5 or 10-10-10. But I have never found this so I have just used what I haveπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
Sometimes I use fertilizer-pearls that I just lay on the surface of the soil that uses some time to dissolve, it's the same my dad uses in his farming on his fields and I don't really know what it containsπŸ˜† But I just give a few pearls to each plant (5-10), they are small, like small peas.

And sometimes I have used liquid fetilizer for green plants which is 5-5-1,3, only I try to dissolve it to a little less than what stand on the bottle.

It has both been just fine. Just one time I have missed with the liquid fertilizer and gave too much to a already struggeling plant. I could see the water that drained out turned grey/brown when I watered after and the plant got sloppyπŸ™ˆ Flushed the soil and let it recover for a few days and it was ok.

If you repot and give it new soil, it is no need to fertilize in the beginning as there usually is some in the new soilπŸͺ΄