
Posted 1M ago by @444madonnar

Help please! Not sure what this is

Assuming this is one of the pests I’ve only read about thus far. Can someone tell me what pest or disease I’m dealing with please. I feel so bad she got to this point. Thought her wavy leaves were part of her beauty and was blinded to all this damage by her stunning presence #AlocasiaRegalShield #AlocasiaAddicts #Alocasia #alocasiaregalshields #NewPlantMom #PestControl
15ft to light, indirect
16” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@444madonnar could be spider mites, could be thrips, what they look like to me is Crysomelid beetles. Give the plant a good shower both front and back of all the leaves and then spray some sort of pest control. And keep it quarantined.
@ModestHardbeech I doused her with the neem oil & castille soap diy recipe found everywhere online. Someone from picture this just told me I shouldn’t use that but too late, already did it😬 will wash her off with just water tomorrow and look into a miticide that picture this person recommended. Hope i didn’t irreversibly damage her😭
@444madonnar as long as her base, the stuff under the dirt, is happy she will survive. Even if you have to cut her down to the dirt, it will take a long time, but she will make more leaves