
Posted 1M ago by @SUNSHiNEPLANTS

Money Tree Tears

I swear I just don't have a green thumb or much luck with plants in general. They literally always die on me for the most part. What's going on with this money tree? I purchased it from Home Depot about a week ago. May I add my toxic ex tried destroying it, by taking it by the stalk and slamming it on the ground. Clearly he's a weakling for it didn't move. But it's now losing leaves and yellowing like crazy 😒. Also, I haven't watered it since. Hoping water will spruce it up. Not looking too great unfortunately. Ugh. This is my 3rd plant in this spot. Maybe it's just bad ?! Blessings everyone β˜€οΈπŸ€πŸ’– #MoneyTree
12ft to light, indirect
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Best Answer
You have all of the signs of that being the caused they will suddenly take a turn and start dropping leaves and leaves turning yellow. It eventually kills them if not removed 😒

Also don’t compensate by overwatering, I know you haven’t but I wanted to warn you the like to dry completely before watering again.

If you want to amend your soil while it’s out that would be beneficial the soil they come in tends to be very heavy and hold water too long. A bag of perlite is cheap and if you add 50% perlite to your soil your tree will be very happy. After the rubber band is removed of course!
Take it out of the pot and look for the rubber band that holds the trunks together it will be under the soil. If you find it, that is the cause, it’s most likely that and has nothing to do with you πŸ’•
Also that soil looks hydrophobic to me I betthe waters not even soaking in! Water it then lift it out pf the pot. Bet the waters just running around the sides barelysoaking in. If thats the case you need to remove that soil amd replace with a peatbased mix amd add lots of perlite for drainage Pribably 3 parts peatbased mix 1 part perlite. And a chunky perlite woukd be best Stay away from chunky mixes that are cocoa or bark based mixes Sheffelera likd a low ph soil that youll get with peatbased mixes. The ither chunky nixes will raise ph into the 7-8 range These plants want 5.5
Amd does it get any indirect sun ?
The picture makes it look like all its getting is the overhead lighting for the room
@TheConservator I think you meant Money Tree, Guiana Chestnut NOT Schleffera, AKA Umbrella Tree
@TheConservator Good evening && thank you for your advice. My fear is I will not know how to repot it once I take it out. And I didn't check for rubber bands, so I guess I have to depot & repot. I gratefully have a bag of perlite. I also have regular potting mix, will that work? And I'm showing the tree at night time with the light on. During the day it gets indirect light but far from a southwest window. How does they sell the plant looking so perfect?! 😩
@SuperbRaspfern thanks for your advice! I have perlite and regular potting mix. Will that work?
12ft from light is AWFULLY far, it's practically starving. Just saying
Deffinantly look for that rubber band. And get rid of it . Then amend your soil with some biochar compost and perlite and a little 20-10-10 fertilizer. And then when everything is nice and dry and happy add some cal/mag solution and chelated iron to your feed water and give her that with her next appropriate drink. That will perk up those leaves and promote so good vigorous leafy growth
@SuperbRaspfern well actually no i didnt lol! But thank you for the correction. And i actually didnt realize wasnt a schleffera or that there was even sny difference lol Best just not listen to my advice them cause i have no clue what guinea chestnut ph needs or soul type or moisture needed lol Realky dont know anything about it!
@SuperbRaspfern still@a noob after 30 yrs lol
@SuperbRaspfern its always actually kind of annoyed me that there were so many names for a schlefferaπŸ˜‚. Bet ive heard them called 10 different things over the years ! Bad thing is now i finally get why !πŸ˜‚ half of em were a chestnut πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜‚
Well had me googling this morning lol. Had to find out the differences or ifvthey were even the same family!? Which they are not. But they do seam to need pretty much the same care anyway. Still wants a slightly acidic peat based soil with 6-8 hrs of bright indirect light. So even though i was totally wrong about the type of plant the care is still the same @SUNSHiNEPLANTS . So you can still use everyghing i said previuosly. And yes a standard potting mix is usually peat based. So it should be fine using what you have Just add lots of perlite to it. Id probably still go 3 parts soil 1 part perlite but you could go 2 parts mix 1 part perlite if you tend to overwater ?
I just googled guinea chestnut and went to The Spruce website to see care . I like the easy and fast read thry give for plant care! If your intersted in gihing it a read .
@SUNSHiNEPLANTS yes that is great! πŸ’•
@TheConservator πŸ˜‚
@SuperbRaspfern nothing to do with this question but i just noticed your xp. How do you not have like 50x more xp???! You always answer questions ! And are always at the top@of leaderboards. How long have you been on greg ? I assumed you been here a long time !
@TheConservator Not that long. Everyone just said you really need to start helping people with your extensive knowledge. So, I thought, why not. Now it’s just a fun thing to do to help others when I have time. To me it’s not about xp or anything I don’t even know what that is. It’s just about helping others on their plant journeys, simple as that.
@SUNSHiNEPLANTS I wouldn’t stress too much with this plant. By adding the perlite and removing the rubber band you’ll be fine. It may be a little shocked with the slam to the ground, that was not nice of your ex, I’m sorry. Also, I’m glad he’s your ex. You deserve better!
@SuperbRaspfern me either it just suprised me. Thought maybe you lost your acct and had t restart or something !πŸ‘ definately seam to know your stuff ! πŸ™Œ
@TheConservator Thank you for the compliment I appreciate it.
Hello! I’m by no means any plant expert, but I have had one of these now for years! Mine has a few leaves that turn yellow like yours as well frequently and only continues to grow and flourish. In other words, I actually don’t think anythingβ€˜s wrong with it. All the other leaves are looking incredibly healthy! Again, not a plant expert, but from personal experience, it’s actually looking pretty good!
@TheConservator πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜‚Now that is funny! 😁