
Posted 7M ago by @LaSiguanaba

Help! What’s wrong with my Echeveria Neon Breakers?

My Neon Breakers from the #GregPlantShop was fine last week, and now it’s covered in weird white patches, and the color is off. Does anyone know what might be going on? I’m still learning about succulents, so any advice would be much appreciated. I want to save my little plant guy! #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #SucculentSquad #SucculentLove #PestControl #plantamigos
9ft to light, indirect
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
I think it’s mildew
@LaSiguanaba this happened to mine as well! I reached out to the Greg concierge and informed them. They gave me some tips for the plant but I’m wondering if there is just something going on with these?!?! I treated with neem and it has not returned but the damage was done
Yucky, looks like mildew! Are the leaves getting wet and/or is it in a humid place?

Isolate it from other plants!! This guide goes over signs, causes, and possible solutions to mildew:
@Amateurbotany Thanks for the advice—I just wrote concierge. I hope it will recover—I just love that plant! I’m so sad it sick!!!
@itsjordan Thanks for the advice Jordon! I isolated it first thing and I’ll take a look at that website. I just hope I moved it away from my other plants quickly enough!
@LaSiguanaba I did not isolate, this was over a month ago and I’ve had no issues! I disagree that it’s mildew. I think it’s mold. There were also several leaves that turned black on mine. Mine is under a grow light with several other succulents so the conditions are ideal for at least the others. Maybe this particular species needs different care?🤷🏼‍♀️
Looks like powdery mildew, but there are other possibilities. I've seen YouTube videos on "white spots on succulents" you could check out via a web search.
In re your other issues with the echeveria, these plants require at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. That is what will keep the color vibrant.

Powdery mildew thrives in warm dry, but humid environments. That seems counterintuitive. But warm weather with humidity (fog, or simple humidity) is perfect for powdery mildew.
@MoonlitGarden I finally found a video that showed how powdery mildew turns to black spot over time and now I do believe that that is what is happing. Sorry for doubting anyone’s recommendations…this just did not present like the powdery mildew infections I’ve had with outdoor plant!
@MoonlitGarden @Amateurbotany Thanks for your answers—looks like I have mildew. I’ll check out YouTube for videos about what I can do to save my plant. Thanks again!
@Amateurbotany I agree with you completely, this this didn't present the same as powdery mildew in our other garden plants. It's confusing. But I suppose it's the difference between a succulent leaf and non-glaucous foliage - what the mildew has to create to thrive on each. (Fungal stuff is endlessly fascinating, to me).
Try, taking, a handful of rice, 1tbs of baking soda, a capful of vinegar, 500ml of water. Mix it up,
let it sit, for overnight. Strain,
in a spray bottle,
spray, on your plant, in two days.
You'll notice, a
difference in your
plant. Look up #gardeningtips&tricks 👍🙂
@LaSiguanaba i’ve just responded to your email and thank you for bringing this to our attention. 🙏
@LaSiguanaba ugh…mildew is starting to come back. Retreated and now isolating. Did concierge have any additional tips/tricks for you?
@Amateurbotany They are helping me out with this! 😁
@Amateurbotany I just need to watch my succulents more carefully from now on. I live in a pretty wet climate, that is cool most of the year. We are just more susceptible to things like mold snd mildew. The struggle is real!
@LaSiguanaba We The Wild Protect Spray and wipe off excess oil if in the sun 🌞