
Posted 1M ago by @LavishChervil

leaves turning brown and yellow, especially on ends - hel...

1ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
"Peace Lily leaves are turning yellow or brownΒ The most common reason your Peace Lily leaves are turning yellow isΒ due to overwatering or underwatering. Peace Lily prefers moist, well-draining soil that dries slightly between waterings. Brown leaves are commonly caused by underwatering, direct light or dry air. Keep your plant away from both cold and hot drafts.Β Water your plant thoroughly when the top 3-5cm of soil is dry, and mist leaves regularly to help increase humidity.Β Peace Lily is droopingΒ If you find your Peace Lily drooping, it may simply need a good drink. Peace Lilies are hardy plants and will bounce back up after watering. Be careful not to leave your Peace Lily thirsty for too long as it can lead to brown leaves.",direct%20light%20or%20dry%20air.
Agree with above advice. Mine was doing the same. Repotted to larger pot with fresh soil and better drainage. Moved away from window as it did not like heat/cold changes. Put under grow light away from heat and it is thriving. I removed yellow leaves. Best of success.