
Posted 1M ago by @Usine

Help! Her leafs are curling and are crispy.

I water her often, she is in perfect sunshine, and even has plants food! What could I be missing? Help me please!
1ft to light, direct
4” pot without drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
Unfortunately, these plants like to be constantly moist (because it keeps their humidity high); if their soil dries even a little, their leaves shrivel up like this. Truly a diva of a plant. That soil is considered dry to them πŸ™„. Also, they don't like direct sunlight of any intensity. They can only do it indirectly.
I just had this happen about a week ago. I thought it was done for! Watered it, all of them unfurled. Well ,,, most of them,,,I did lose a few but they like moist soil.
Calathea are growing on the jungle-floor and does not like direct sunlight. They are also sensetive to too much fertilizer. And they are prone to root-rot, the soil should be kept moist, but not wet. So you might have been coddeling her a bitπŸ™ˆ

Get her out of direct sunligt and flush the soil with rainwater or destilled to get rid of the excess nutrients. You might also need to repot her to check for root-rot and give her a smaller pot that fits her rootsπŸͺ΄

It could also be a humidity-issue, as they need high humidity in the air and our houses usually gets a little dry in winter.

Best of luckπŸ€