
Posted 1M ago by @Theclaudsterr

How's the rock doing?

It looks ok I think? Just wanna make sure I'm doing this right lol The ones in the "dirt" the florian and pirouette I'm a little worried about..they just look off?
#PlantAddict #Pinguicula #cpclubthursday #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub
3ft to light, indirect
9” pot without drainage
Last watered 1 day ago
Best Answer
@Theclaudsterr Sorry, I meant the above comment for you, and I have corrected the tag.

So, Florian has a dormancy in the winter and wants to dry out just slightly between waterings during this time. Pirouette, however, does not need the dormancy. If you are able to direct your water at the base of the plants, then you can avoid the area around the Florian to keep it from getting too moist. The roots are very fragile and shallow, so the less you disturb them, the better.

Other than that, like I said above, they have frequent leaf turnover, and that could very well be what you're seeing because the center looks nice and healthy to me.

All of that said, I don't have all of that much experience with them yet. My ping rock is only about two to three months old.
@Seymour @LaSiguanaba or @Merranda @RealSimpleMama

Do any of you have thoughts? I think some of you have pings.
I dont know anything about these but im going to add @UltraKoreanfir to this thread because she just did one of these.
I love it! ALL of my pings look identical except for size.... green. Yours is so colorful!

Mine had a little bit of transplant shock at first and lost a few leaves. If the biggest one is the Pirouette, that could be what is happening. My understanding is they (pings in general) have a high rate of leaf turnover.

Which ones are Florian that you are concerned about?

Now I have to get some pink ones. Where did you order from?
@UltraKoreanfir the florian is to the right of the pirouette

I got them from Rainbow Carnivourous Planta
I can't chime in on rocks because I've been too afraid to try since I know I won't water them enough.

BUT I have had pings for a few years and agree with @UltraKoreanfir that none look unhealthy or in distress. There will always be lower leaves dying off and sometimes the ones above will change as they adapt but as long as the centers and upper leaves look good you're set!

As far as dormancy vs not, you might have to play with this a little bit (unfortunately). While some places emphasize how important it is for all pings, others specify some need it and some don't, the grower I use told me I could back off watering a little in the winter but could skip dormancy if I want. Since I live in New England my house gets dry in the winter so the best way to ensure they don't get too dry from lack of humidity is to not put them into total dormancy. It looks like you have enough humidity you can let dormancy happen, but again, might need to play around with it a bit.

One other word of wisdom, buy a squirt bottle with a long nozzle to help with watering at the bases when need be.

Phew! I hope some of that helps!