
Posted 1M ago by @mckelljo

I can’t figure out what’s wrong with my poor plant. He u...

1ft to light, indirect
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Oh no! 😯 Poor Fully!!

First thing I would do would be to check for pests... You'd likely know if you had them already, but with such extensive damage it's definitely worth looking! (Especially in such close quarters with other plants! I'd check those surrounding him too).

After pests, inconsistent watering would seem to be the most likely culprit... Do the dry areas feel dry and papery? Or are they kind of soggy feeling? And could I please see a picture of the soil she's in?

Both under and over watering can cause similar damage over time... But given he was watered six days ago I'd suspect that your soil is holding too much water and he's maybe got either rot or another fungal infection (also a good reason to isolate him from your other plants! Infections can spread too).

I would suggest taking him out of his pot and inspecting his roots. Cut away any that feel soft/ squishy/ brown/ smelly (you may find some just come away in your hands) with sterlized scissors, rinse the remaining roots in a 3:1 water: peroxide solution to kill off any remaining bacteria and repot him in some nice, fresh soil.

You'll need to cut back those damaged leaves as close to the main stem as you can with sterlized snips or scissors whatever the cause I'm afraid to say... They won't recover 😭 but that's not to say your plant isn't salvageable!! I've had plants come back from really brutal conditions and grow back beautiful again so please don't give up on him!! πŸ’š He may well surprise you πŸ₯°

Do you use fertiliser at all btw? Fert burnt root systems can produce all kinds of wild damage too, though it's not as common as root rot!

Best of luck! You've got this πŸ’ͺ even if you have to remove ALL the roots, you'll still be able to propagate him if needed so there's lots of options to get him back to full health! It'll take time and patience, but it'll be well worth the effort! πŸ₯° Xx