
Posted 1M ago by @userd45e44eb

Why is one of my newer leafs turning yellow and falling o...

10” pot
Last watered 1 week ago
Are you sure that’s a newer leaf? It seems like an older leaf from the bottom. I wouldn’t be worried in that case. If it is a newer leaf, i’d say it’s likely a watering issue.
@SageTreeheather you may be right. I was trying to remember. Am I not watering enough or too much? I did just recently move the plant and maybe it’s not liking the area?
@userd45e44eb Yellow would make me think overwatering. Do you think you water a lot?
I didn’t think I did. I use the app to remind me when to water and how much.
@userd45e44eb I wouldn’t really trust the app to tell you when to water. It can’t really tell you when to. I’d research when the plant needs to be watered, and do it by what you can see. That app is not perfect, unfortunately.
Hi! Here are some reasons your leaf may be droopy/yellow!
2.maybe under watering 3. You may need to repot