
Posted 1M ago by @capyscara

hi i dont know what happened to bob my parlor palm could ...

#help #helpneeded
0ft to light, indirect
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Could you take a closer photo of the leaves? These guys are quite susceptible to spider mites - happened with a few of mine and it’s been a nightmare to manage because of all the nooks and crannies the palms have at the base of their stems and the nature of their leaves. If you hit β€˜reply’ below, I will get a notification that you responded and can help you problem solve further. What did you spray it with by the way?
It's powdery mildew caused by high humidity and spraying the leaves with water, and by poor air circulation.
@WelsomeRhodotus hi thank u sm for replying , i just sprayed it with plain water like a week ago bc i saw on some site that it helps bc these guys like humidity and do u lnow how i can fix this or is there no hope 😞
@SvelteKingfern thank u do u know how i could go about fixing it?
@WelsomeRhodotus another pic, the tip is green like it used to be and whatevers happening is starting from the stem i think
If it "starts with the stem" then there's watering issues on top of powdery mildew. I'm sorry to say that, but at this stage your plant is beyond salvation.
@capyscara thanks for your photos but I’m having trouble properly seeing the leaves as it’s all a little blurry. Could you try in daylight please? If it’s powdery mildew indeed, you could certainly try using sterilised snips to cut off the fronds that have been affected and then spray with a fungicide such as copper fungicide. You would have to respray weekly for a few weeks but not sure how much hope there if most of the front are affected. Spraying with water is pointless imo and I never do it. When you spray you increase humidity for as long as the water is on the leaves but it evaporates quickly and goes back to your ambient humidity. Plants don’t enjoy those sorts of fluctuations much and also water sitting on your leaves like that is more likely to lead to fungal issues. A better way to increase humidity is to cluster your plants together though of course in cases where things start to go wrong such as fungal problems or pests, that plant should be quarantined away from others to avoid spreading any nasties to other plants. Could you tell me if you see any webs on the leaves? If it’s not powdery mildew, it’s definitely spider mites.
@WelsomeRhodotus i dont see any webs so its probably the mildew huh😞 ill try the fungicide and update you if bob gets better :c tysm for replying again it really helped im a plant noob and clueless about this stuff
@SvelteKingfern rip bob 😞 thank you anyway for the help
I'm sorry.
Next time, next plant, let the soil fully dry 2" deep before next watering. It's paramount for the roots to breathe. Then water well. Then let the soil dry 2" deep, and so on and so on.
No watering in between. No misting.

Good luck
@SvelteKingfern thank uu ill do that
And dappled bright light, no scorching full direct sun.
@capyscara Aaw sorry to hear. Best of luck the next time around and since it’s fungus, make sure you throw out the soil you used for this palm and don’t reuse it for your next plant 🌿
I agree with @SvelteKingfern never, ever mist. I say it all the time. This is why. You can treat it easily and cheaply with diluted peroxide.

1 part hydrogen peroxide + 8 parts water

Be very thorough!

Then flush the soil twice with

1 part peroxide + 3 parts water πŸ’¦

Same peroxide we use on ourselves cheap and effective.

I must add please stop misting, it does not even add humidity it just causes fungal issues 😒
Here’s mine for proof they do fine without added humidity. I live in a very dry area of CA never misted