
Posted 1M ago by @GrownRedribbons

Why is my plant curling

10ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Snake plants can curl for a handful of reasons:
1. Near an air vent/too cold or hot
2. overwatering or poorly draining soil
3. Nutrient difficient, usually presents with yellowing leaves as well
They tend to be happiest in chunky potting mixes in my experience. :) I hope that helps!
Although snake plants are most often known for overwatering issues, curling leaves (not wrinkly, but where the edges curl up and almost touch each other) can be a sign of underwatering. Do you have a current photo of what it looks like?
Do you have a picture of the curling part so we can see exactly what you are taking about? Thank you! And welcome to the #GregFam #GreggersSupportingGreggers πŸ¦‹πŸͺ΄πŸŒ»πŸŒΈπŸž