
Posted 1M ago by @WiseRossavens

Dry/dead Leaves

So I recently got this plant about 3 weeks ago. The plant was doing fine in the beginning. I was watering it with the right amount of water on the correct days. But after I chosen to give it fertilizer, I’ve noticed that the leaves are now becoming dry & breaking off and my plant isn’t looking as full as it once was. I haven’t replanted it into a new pot since I got it. I wanted to wait until it got use to its new setting. Could that be the issue? Or could it be the type of fertilizer I used? #sendhelp #newplantmom #opentoallsuggestions οΏΌ
17” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Yes it could have been the food you fed it . fertilizer burn can definitely look like this. I’ve seen plants in the greenhouse that have been fed a dose that was too hot or too much and the leaves will burn like this. I would not repot right now .
Hi, Cyntrea! I'm sorry about your plant but I'm glad you found Greg!

What kind of fertilizer did you use?

Sometimes, plants need time to acclimate to their new space and they will lose leaves in the process.

What kind of fertilizer did you use?
@Hoyaobsessed thank you .. so I have to wait until it goes through the process & be patient until then ?οΏΌ
Yes I would wait and let your plant adjust to its new placement. Also you fed it a granular feed so I would take some of it out of the top soil in case it is the feed you used. I am leaning towards the feed since you had so many leaves that got ugly at the same time. Give it some time.
I'm not sure the granules shouldn't be that fast-acting. I suspect something else is going on.

Is that the current picture?
@Hoyaobsessed I did use it on my other plants as well & I seen a similar reaction but not as bad as this one . Any recommendations of a better fertilizer to use for the future ?οΏΌ
@sarahsalith I fertilize it on July 14 .. these are the current photosοΏΌ
Are you using water straight from the faucet?
@Bingo I am.
Might try letting the water you use sit out for 24 hrs to let chlorine evaporate.
@WiseRossavens I looked at your card you have 17” pot listed which would knock the proper balance of water . I’m not sure this is the issue but you might wanna fix that . If I’m wrong please excuse
@ILoveMyPlants good catch I will check that to make sure it’s the right size. According to Greg I’m supposed to be giving it 5 3/4 cup water which I have been doing