Growing Tall - Should I clip and prop her
#PartyTimeAlternanthera Sheβs getting really leggy. Can I prop her and if I can where do I cut? Do I put the clippings in water or back in the pot. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PropagationStation #Propagation #GregGang
10ft to light, direct
4β pot with drainage
Last watered 6 months ago
I believe this can be done. Here is a YT video covering propagating, but the video makes it appear as though this plant should be a bit more bushy than what you have, so maybe they aren't exactly the same.
Perhaps more sun or a grow light to supplement the light? Usually plants get leggy due to lack of sunlight, from my limited time for caring for this number of plants that I currently have. Akso, to get them to bush out you will probably have to prune and snip. Then give it lots of sun and she should fill out. Good luck these babies are so beautiful and colorful. Keep us posted.