How do I make my fiddle leaf fig branch out?

1ft to light, indirect

12â pot with drainage

Last watered 1 week ago
Cut the stem at a height you want above 2 leaves. You always want to keep at least 4 leaves. Every time you prune a branch, 2 new branches will form on the node you cut above. A node is simply the area that the leaves grow out of. So the first time you prune it you will get 2 new stems. Then when you get enough leaves on those stems cut each of those and 2 will become 4, etc. when you cut each branch you can also propagate to make more trees by simply putting the stems in water and keeping a node covered with water. ðĶ
@CourtlyKingfern It thickens the trunk but does not create branching ð
@SuperbRaspfern good to know, learn something everyday.. ðĪŠ
@CourtlyKingfern haha
@SuperbRaspfern thank you so much! I will try that