
Posted 9M ago by @NewPlantMama13


#PellaeaRotundifolia I think she was getting too much sun where I originally had her, I lost a lot of legs due to them getting dried up. Can I save her somehow?
3ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 5 days ago
Hello Toni ☺️ Don’t despair, Duke still looks lovely and green despite her lost foliage so from speculation it appears she’s already bouncing back from being moved to a less sunny position. Her foliage will definitely redensify over time, however this may take anywhere between 2 - 3 weeks to a couple of months as pellaea are notoriously slow growing fern varieties. The best you can do for Duke to help with her recovery is ensuring her soil is consistently moist but never soggy, that she has a good source of bright indirect light (near a window with sheer curtains or on a windowsill that gets a fair amount of sunlight throughout the day is perfect) so she can still photosynthesise without burning and boosting her root system with a diluted liquid fertiliser solution which you can add as part of her regular watering schedule (I’d recommend an organic seaweed concentrate and one part concentrate to every ten parts water). I hope this helps and best of luck with little Duke! 🌿✨