
Posted 1M ago by @Papatūānuku

Tips on what to do?

My monstera has such a long stalk below where the leaves and new growth are and I don’t really want to cut and propagate to a whole new plant. What to do?! #Monstera #leggy #NewGrowth
13ft to light, direct
12” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Hello. If it were mine, I would let the plant do what it wants as it is.
It looks like you have some mites or fungus, give it a treat. Also, it looks like you tied the leaf, I should just tie the stem and free the petiole. Good look!
🀞🏼 good luck**
@Gabiblocatelli I did tie up the leaves as they were a little droopy but the stem is doing well climbing the pole on its own.
I think she has spider mites so I’m going to try treat those πŸ₯²