
Posted 2M ago by @SimpleSucc

Can I put my plants in a cold window?

It's 50 degrees outside, but it's sunny, and I don't want my succulents to miss the sunlight. Is it still fine to put them in the windowsill?
#echeveria #flapjacks #kalanchoe #succulentsquad #succulentlove #succulents
6ft to light, direct
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
I say yes as long as it's not a north facing window and it's not drafty. But try to, if possible, keep them a few inches away from it to help prevent the cold from the window emitting to your plants, if I explained that so it makes sense lol.

I'm in southern Oklahoma, right on Lake Texoma, so only a couple hours away from you, and we got down to the 30s last night 😲 so glad I have a greenhouse!
Yes, because it’s not 50 in your house I’m sure πŸ‘. But as @Lifeis2short said make sure there isn’t a draft coming through the frame. Most tropical houseplants prefer 65-75 degrees and won’t do well below 50 degrees. I’d get an indoor thermometer and put it with the plants. It’ll let you know just how cold it is in that window. πŸ‘πŸͺ΄
@MariansOasis @Lifeis2short thanks! The window isn't extremely cold, but I might keep my flapjacks on the desk next to the window because they don't need as much light. I'm getting a grow light soon for my echeveria because this month it'll be pretty cloudy.
I would say so, that’s where I keep mine!
It's fine. Plants are way more durable than we give them credit for. Echeveria can go down to ~25-30 F, provided they're acclimated to the outdoors. Being near a slightly chilly window in an otherwise warm house will not damage your plants.
@SimpleSucc I would say probably, but it depends. I do have plants very close to windows in the sills and on shelves. Mostly they are fine, but I have been checking some today that are getting quite chilly. πŸ₯Ά my sindows are newer paella replacement windows so they are insulated but still the cold comes through. When it gets very cold at night I move plants away from the windows. Lately it’s been around 30F, but if it gets down to like 10-15 degrees Fahrenheit I think i will definitely be moving plants that are in the window sills.