
Posted 2M ago by @magicthyme87

browning leaves

not sure what is happening to my plant, have changed anything recently but it’s definitely unhappy
4ft to light, indirect
16” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Best Answer
@magicthyme87 This definitely looks like a fungal or bacterial issue. To me it specifically looks like Leaf Spot due to the appearance of the bright yellow β€œhalos” around the spots.. I would cut the affected leaves off and carefully dispose. Be sure to wash your hands before touching any other plants or healthy leaves to prevent it from spreading. You can treat what’s left with a fungicide such as need oil, I would recommend looking for something that is copper based.

I had to chop and prop several of my plants due to this. So sorry! But the sooner you take care of it, the better :) Good luck!
I think this is overwatering & possible fungus.

I’d evaluate the root system & check for root rot & spray the roots with Hydrogen Peroxide if so! This happenedd to mine too!