
Posted 2Y ago by @PlantyPlanter

Can someone figure out what plant this is??

I found this a while ago while I was in Maine, there was a bunch of them and some were kind of taller of then this but not by that much. They had a white flower on top and I took one without a flower so they could still be pollinated (I think I gave one with a flower to the person I was visiting) and I also didn’t take any pictures of the flowering ones cause I was in a rush. I’m worried that it’s gonna die and I’m not gonna be able to figure out what it is. I kind of looked like mint in the sense of hot it didn’t have leaves to the bottom and there was a bunch of them in the area. I don’t think it’s a bushy plant because it looked pretty devolved when I saw it and it was already late into the summer. Any help is appreciated! #MaineGang #NewEnglandGregGang #PlantID #HappyPlants #PlantAddict #PropagationStation
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
It could be a sweetbay magnolia 🤷 this is what I found when looking it up 🤔