
Posted 4M ago by @user47c3196f

Is my plant dying?

#CastIronPlant I’ve recently moved house and after a few weeks of being fine (slightly browning tips only), my plant has suddenly started to brown and droop quite significantly. I haven’t changed the watering schedule and he’s about 6 feet from a (usually) bright window - though I do live in Scotland! Any ideas?
6ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 months ago
Maybe you should add a tiny bit more water than your usual schedule
How is it that Greg is disputing its own instructions here…
Sounds like it needs to be much closer to that window.
Will try a bit more water and a bit more light and hopefully that helps…
I am running into the same. For now I moved closer to a window according to Greg's instructions and ordered a grow light off Amazon.