
Posted 1M ago by @SweetFilbert

What am I doing wrong?

#Echeveria #Succulents #SucculentSquad
What am I doing wrong? Terracotta pot with drainage, succulent soil, sun and it’s still on its way out…. help #SucculentLove
1ft to light, direct
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Does water sit on the leaves for a while after you water? It might be rotted but you might be able to pull some of the leaves off and replant them.
@HedwigRhoda no, I try to water the soil only
Good 😁 It just looked like it pooled on the top from the picture. How do the roots look?
He may need more drainage. I mix my succulent soil as 3 parts: 1succ soil, 1sand, 1 perlite. I only bottom water them and just when the top soil gets damp I remove them and let them drain in the sink on a cookie rack then place them back in my sunny window. I let them completely dry out before watering again as my experience with where I live is, it’s better to underwater my succs and cacti than overwater. I notice this happens when my pot is too big for the root system. Removing the affected leaves may help but removing too many at one time can also be shocking. Also if your humidity is too high the leaves can appear as though they had standing water on them. I hope this info helps. Leave yourself some grace as plants are all about trial and error as to what works in your environment ! Good luck, you’ve got this!
Completely support @13Stitches Bottom watering, remove some humus, add more inorganic material.
Update: this one didn’t make it