
Posted 4M ago by @princesspitstop

Did I do this right?

I recently rescued this Mammillaria Elongata and noticed these little doo dads growing all over El Chapo here. I sanitized a pair of tweezers and popped them off one by one and replanted them directly into "lightly wet" soil because I don't like the word "moist" LOL Anyway, I'm hoping they are little offspring and that I am cultivating them correctly. Does anyone know? Thanks in advance! πŸŒ΅β˜€οΈ
#Mammillaria #cactusclique #cactus #happyplants #greggang #plantsmakepeoplehappy
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Best Answer
Make sure the soil has a lot of drainage, perlite and such, and they should be fine.
Awww some lovely pups you got there! They look wonderful. Great job.
@JauntyGrandfir Thanks! Wasn't sure if they were pups or an anomaly caused by stress as the interwebs suggested. 🀷 Glad they're babies!
@princesspitstop They look like pups to me lol I’ll have to look up this anomaly thing because that’s very intriguing and something I’m not familiar with. Thank you.