
Posted 1M ago by @plantcraze79

Why is my plant yellow

3ft to light, indirect
9” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
There are many reasons that this could happen. Would need to know more information.

How frequently do you normally water? (When the soil is fully dry, etc )

How many leaves are yellowing, is it the older leaves or is it new leaves too?

Do you have more photos?
What do the roots look like?
If the leaves are turning yellow, the most common reason is because of over/under-watering. Although a picture may have to be provided to give it a proper diagnosis.
I just rescued the plant. The soil was completely dry. It is in a self watering pot. I brought it home and gave it a good watering. But it has been over a week now, and it doesn't look like it is getting any better.
If it is now getting good care, you will notice new growth is coming in its healthy color, but leaves turning yellow will not turn green again. @plantcraze79 Welcome to Greg!