
Posted 1Y ago by @KeenBegonia

Succulent troubles

I bought this succulent about three weeks ago and hes been deteriorating ever since and has continued to lose leaves quickly. I decided to take a look at his roots and this is what we've got. I'm new to caring for succulents, but this doesn't look good right? Can I save it?
Someone had previously told me he was overwatered but but his "roots" are bone dry with the exception of the one which is still pretty dry. I got him at a farmers market and he is in the pot he came in. #auroraborealisplant #succulent #succulentsquad
1ft to light, direct
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
I’d try to get it into a smaller pot if possible. It is important that pots are the size needed for the roots and not what looks right from the top of the plant. I had to do something similar with a small succulent of mine that is doing well now. When you water it should only be when the soil is dry, but make sure to water until some comes out the bottom and then don’t let it sit in the excess. Another method I use to tell when to water beside the soil is the flimsiness of the leaves. If the soil is dry and leaves are thin/east to bend, I would water it. If the soil is dry but the leaves are still firm then I’d wait to water until to plant shows it needs it. Hope this helps!
Along with @Mad307 advice, something else you could keep in mind is soil PH. Often times, store-bought succulents are not potted in the correct soil. I recommend getting a soil ph tester, such as one from Temu.
I have the same plant. With the same issue. I cut both of mine and left them to develop new roots. They are but they are still a bit finicky.
@KDkat3 where did you cut them? What did you do to generate new roots? I get mixed results on the internet on how to do it(submerge in water, dont submerge and let them air out, etc)
I let mine air out to β€œscab over” and then I put them in the pot of soil and waited a week or 2 before I watered them a little. It forces it to start growing roots in order to find water.
@KDkat3 thank you!