
Posted 1M ago by @ImmenseOcotillo

I just got this june 28 and now trying to put it in the s...

4ft to light, direct
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 day ago
If there is foam around it, that’s going to impede the plant from getting what it needs. I would gently remove it and repot the plant. Make sure when you use a self watering pot that for the first few waterings, you bottom water and don’t put water in the bottom. The plant has to get used to pulling water from the bottom first. If you just put water in the bottom, it won’t wick up the water and it can develop root rot.
@ImmenseOcotillo I completely agree with what @Ninabeena says and also that is what I call a death plug. It’s suffocates the roots. I can’t believe they put those implants οΏΌ
@PoisedAlbo I was just going to call it a death plug πŸ˜‚ I am glad you did.