
Posted 1M ago by @PlantsGalore50

#PrayerPlant plant repotting

I went to repot my prayer plant and the plant in the pot was actually 5 individual prayer plants.I wasnโ€™t expecting there to be that many. Could repot any of them in water?
0ft to light, indirect
6โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
Best Answer
Iโ€™d say yes! This is one of mine. It took a good 4-5 weeks to root, and I was told to change the water every other day. It is rooting well here in my kitchen.
@CaringAngelmoss thank you
If you have a pothos, take a cutting and put it in the water with the prayer plant and it will help it root. I did this with my dieffenbachia cuttings that were taking a while to root. They put out roots so quickly after that. This is just my experience and not written in stone ๐Ÿ˜
It is normal to plant several prayer plants (Marantas) together in one pot to make it appear more full, as they usually just grow one long stem on their own and might appear leggy.
You can separate if you want. And also propagate by cuttings.