
Posted 2Y ago by @Mappylikehappy

Sun scorched or diseased?

All the older leaves on my lambs ear look like this… at first I thought I was cause I was struggling to keep her happy but now she’s happy and the leaves still turn rough and splotchy. What is causing it? #Stachys #lambsear #PlantAddict
0ft to light, direct
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
Maybe this is part of the natural process. Older leaves get rough and need to be eliminated.
I have a guess. When you watered did you get water on the leaves? Fuzzy plants hate that. The water sits and then magnifies the light and they burn easily.
No I water from the bottom and I’m always careful because I heard these leaf are very prone to rot
Looks like sun damage to me. Are they in direct light?
@Marthamaywho92 yeah they get about direct light from 2:30-6:30/7
@Mappylikehappy maybe put them in bright indirect light and see if it prevents it from happening again to other leaves?
@Marthamaywho92 moved her this morning, I’ll keep y’all updated
@Mappylikehappy so how did it go? My plant has the same issue too and still wondering how I could fix it. Any tips is appreciated!