
Posted 4M ago by @aamenah

Yellowing Leaves

Hi all, my pothos just keeps getting yellow leaf after yellow leaf, this plant used to have 7 leaves (although super small) and now im basically down to almost 3 😒 In the beginning it was growing okay, but suddenly leaves started yellowing. I water when soil dries out and tried increasing light (moving it closer to southeast factinf window), but the yellow leaves are still coming- you can see the latest one in the picture. Any advice appreciated! #Pothos #PothosNJoy #help #NewPlantMom
1ft to light, indirect
Last watered 4 months ago
Check for root rot asap and cut off any mushy roots then dust them with cinnamon and repot, be sure not to over water
@aamenah these plants with higher variegation, when you overwater, get a leaf that keeps the white, but the green part turns yellow… is that what you’re describing? Also, these guys need a little more light than you might think. I’ve lost my fair share of them. I recently started using this and it has made a HUGE difference. You can get it on Amazon, if you want a link, let me know. It helps with cell structure in the white variegation and helps with nutrient transport. Also, one thing I have learned is mine like less water, a little more often. I hope this helps.