
Posted 1Y ago by @DeliciousNapaea

Why is my Frizzle Sizzle widening out?

Hello! I am new to Greg, and just invested in some plants Id like to keep healthy and happy to decorate my patio with, with my Frizzle Sizzle being on the table. When I first bought it, the leaves were a bit curlier and closer together
The plant store guy said it would be okay on my shaded patio (north facing) but Im wondering if it needs more sun? If it does, Ill probably just invest in a small grow light for my desk :) #NewPlantMom #FrizzleSizzle
2ft to light, indirect
2โ€ pot without drainage
Last watered 1 year ago
there is a good video at on frizzle sizzle. mine is currently in just plain fizzle phase, I can't tell if it's going to die, bloom or go dormant. all the curl is gone and the leaves are lying every which way. I do know that most articles reccomend full sun. I don't know if I would go that far but it does seem like they need a lot of light. Otherwise they stretch and that may be why they lose the curl.
@WayoutRanch Thank you for the response! Ill check out the video! If its a sun issue, sounds like ill just find a grow light and move it indoors!
Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿ™‚ & Welcome to Greg, Emily!

Fizzle Sizzle's love plenty of very bright light. They love some direct sun and even full sun during the cooler months. The leaves grow out more curly with increased sun exposure, but older leaves that developed straight don't get curly with later increased sun, they have to be in a high Sun environment to produce curly leaves from the start.

In hotter climates they often go dormant and lose manyy leaves in the summer but they grow back in the cooler fall months...

In Southern California I grow my Sizzle on an open Southwest facing deck in mostly full sun, but when the temperatures rise above 85 I will shade them under an awning or shade cloth for summer...

They also don't like cold (or warm) drafty air on them and don't like to be touched very much.

If they bloom (usually in late spring) they often will lose most, or all the leaves, so personally I cut the bloom stalks because I prioritize the growth /health of the leaves as I like them better.

Hope that helps! ๐Ÿ’š
P. S. Here's some pics of mine in different stages of curly-ness as I slowly increased sun exposure ๐Ÿ˜Š
@roxyvivien wow so cool!! I think the curly pieces feel like fingernails .. weird I know