
Posted 4M ago by @Alexlatney01

Yellowing lucky bamboo?

I need some help. My lucky bamboo is yellowing and I can’t figure out why. I just repotted it so could it be stress? I don’t fertilize it and I only use distilled water when needed. Does anyone have any ideas? #unhappyplants #help #LuckyBamboo #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 months ago
A little liquid b12 watered down would help too . But not to much
Yellowing in lucky bamboo can be caused by a variety of factors. Stress from repotting is a possible reason, as plants sometimes react to changes in their environment by yellowing. Other causes could include overexposure to direct sunlight, overwatering, or even the water quality, although you're already using distilled water, which is ideal. It might also be a lack of nutrients, but since you're not fertilizing, that could be something to consider trying. Check for pests or root rot, and avoid overwatering.
distilled water they need
One thing I don’t like about distilled water is all of the there’s no nutrients in it so they do have to eat something plus the pH of the water because you’re using distilled the pH will be different than it will be for a plant that would just be normally feeding off of other items whether that be οΏΌ
I never put my lucky bamboo in dirt. I always do some sort or rocks, and then keep the container full of water (always covering the roots).
I don’t believe you can overwater bamboo, since you can grow them in only water as well.
I think it’s either got rot (you’ll know soon as it will get black spots showing up from the base up.
I like to use distilled water, or water that’s been sitting out for a day or two. Then basically like plant food or fertilizer, I occasionally add a mixture of a small amount of pure Epsom salt diluted in water. This helps make the plant more green when/if it starts to turn pale, and just helps in general for overall health.

If you’d like the exact ratio of Epsom salt to water that I use, just ask! 😊
I would guess it needs some nutrients. Mine looked similar, but I never fed it. I also used distilled water. It slowly turned yellow and I cut each stalk off. Eventually I took it out of the pot and salvaged one healthy leaf/stem in water. It’s still alive after three years. I had it in the original store container made with styrofoam and glue, so I think I could’ve saved it earlier with a repotting.
I have never put mine in dirt either. You can cut the leaf part off and propagate it by
Putting it o water
I would say put it water I think thrive more in water than dirt I can’t wait to see just give it time plant momma your baby will be alright