
Posted 4w ago by @dnmont

Monstera Adansonii not growing

Hi there! I have had this cutting for about a year and it doesn’t grow new leaves. Is this normal?
4ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 weeks ago
Hello! Can you possibly share more pictures of the plant so we can assess a bit better? I also wonder when it was fertilized last & what type of light is it receiving?
@elisenavidad Sure, I’m sharing a couple of pictures! It was fertilized at the end of October and light is indirect, I have her about 1m away from a window
Okay! So the first thing I’m noticing is possible pest issue…the little black and white spots. It’s hard to say for sure from the photo but my guess would be spider mites. I’d recommend wiping the tops and bottoms of the leaveses down with an insecticidal soap or neem solution with peppermint oil. Regularly cleaning the leaves will also help the plant receive better light as dust can be a filter for the amount of light the plant can take in! This really is such a gorgeous Adansonii, I think she might just need a good spray down! These can be relatively slow growers as well so just be patient 🀍 I hope this helps
@elisenavidad I will treat it for pests just in case, hopefully she will push some leaves soon. Thank you very much!!!
@dnmont you’re welcome, I hope so too! Keep me updated, I love to see adansonii growth 🀩

You could always give it something to climb, that might speed up the growth too!
Yes definitely get it some support! I seen a video where a man said that if the plant especially climbers, don’t sense support they won’t throw out new leaves in fear of it fallimg. Now whether that is true, idk, but definitely worth a try!
@SportyIodanthus interesting, mine was trailing and flipped on its own to climb up!